Top Needle Drop Moments (in movies and television)

Our resident audiophile, Ryan, came to us with a different music request and wanted to know what our favorite needle drop moments in films and tv shows are! Through the magic of Shaun’s editing you get to listen to our favorite moments along with us! Hit us up in the comments or on our discord and let us know what your favorite needle drops are.

Also join us on patreon for a bonus drop and some more discussion!

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Cool World

Bryan brought us this 1992 Roger Rabbit wannabe, “Cool World” starring Kim Basinger and Brad Pitt. An animation passion project by Ralph Bakshi does it get to where it wants to go or does it meander about looking for purpose instead? Listen and find out!

The Games on Our Minds

Shaun brought a unique topic to the ‘sode this week. He wanted to know what games do we think about and why. This isn’t an episode about favorite games, just the ones that worm in to your brain and don’t go away, like that “Lovely Day” song…

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Bring It On

We take a trip back to the early 2000’s and talk about the cheeriest non-Christmas movie ever. The boys talk cheers, jeers and Tears for Fears, ok maybe not that last part but if you got a problem with it, Bring It On!